“The best way to predict the future … is to shape it.” (Alan Kay) – Well, and this might require decisions. Beginning of December I had the chance to participate in a pilot workshop on Transformational, cross-cutting people skills for the SDGs (TRACCSKILLS). An image wonderfully illustrated how the inner development goals (IDGs) are key for the global goals, i.e. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We had the chance to change perspectives in a role play, explore values key to our case, engage in an imaginative hot-air-balloon voyage and what I learned, too, is that intuition and structure do not contradict each other. The workshop days called me as a person; spoke to head, hands, and heart – what is needed for competency development, which is not pure knowledge transfer.

While I was so lucky to experience several methods with like-minded folks, feel invited to check out the ever-emerging hosting transformation toolbox.
Gather some like-minded people and explore how together you can come closer to your transformative ambitions!
The impulse for a final reflection was If I´m asked what happened in this workshop or what I´ve learned…
And here is my answer:
TRANSFORMATION is an action. Not a single thought.
TRANSFORMATION can be supported – and led – by a community.
Where an individual transformed herself, the people she is in interaction with are directly touched.
We learn through interaction.
We learn from observation.
We learn from doing, particularly if we allow ourselves to process our experiences.
There lies POWER in SILENCE.
Time is precious.
Feel what feels right, what to dedicate it to.
You are free, you just might not know.
You are POWER.
Where you stream your energy into – YOUR CHOICE.
We, the workshop participants decided in any case to embark together on a learning journey. Here we are in front of the transformation::spaces, with “aha-moment” / learning faces. Thanks to everyone for truly showing themselves and allow for mutual learning and exploration!